Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Beginning from Before

Each day we, I, many of us are looking to be new, do better or just try to get it "right." But, you see we don't so often as we would like.

We have our explanations and excuses and denials. And as sad as that might be, it is our repeated reaches for doing it better at all, that does bring us higher on our paths to growth, evolution, expansion or closer to God (By all the names we give them).

On the days or at the times we succeed with our stated goals of advancement, we celebrate. We say well done. But the length of the hoorah is short and we once again return to our self reminding of the list not completed or reached.

So, is our sorrow of an accident or some thing displeasurable to our selves or is it from the accident or mistake in how we evaluate our progress?

Our success or satisfaction is not in the achievement or conclusion of the quest, but in how we deal with the failures of our lives. In simple speak, get up and dust yourself off and go on.

But life is not a simple experience and usually the failure is not the "dust" oneself or others can see, the failure is within and the added distaste we add to our falling short of some goal we had set or expected of ourselves.

When we are kind and generous in our forgiveness of self and mistakes and our failures, we are turning failure into the success it will at some point become.

Our successes and satisfactions are built by the kindnesses we weave our failures into.

We make what we do, into the success we hope to have.